Create Free Customized Meta Tags

Meta Tags are hidden HTML tags used in the HEAD section of your web pages to provide information about your website or web page to search engines. Most major search engines index Meta Tags for use in their search results. Listed below is a definition of each Meta Tag and what to enter into the Free Meta Tag Generator to create your own.

Meta Tag Generator Form

Title — Enter the Title of your web page.

Description — The description that will often appear in the search results of many search engines. Enter 2 to 3 sentences that describe your site or web page. You should limit it to 160 characters.

Keywords — Keywords or keyword phrases that apply to the subject of your web page. Keywords and keyword phrases should be listed in order of importance. Separate each keyword or keyword phrase with commas and keep the length of the entire list under 255 characters.

Robots — This meta tag tells a search engine how to index your site from a given web page. Index means that the search engine should index this page, Noindex means that it should not. Follow means that it should follow any other links to your other pages, Nofollow means it should not. Generally you would select index and follow to instruct a search engine to index that page and the rest of your site.

Copyright — Enter your copyright information.

Language — Select the language that your web page uses.

Author — Enter the author of the web page.

Creation Date — Specifies the date when the page was created. Example: May 1 2012

Distribution — Select your distribution, local or global.

Rating — Select the audience that the page was intended for i.e. general, kids, mature or restricted.